How Depression Affects Your Dental Health
Depression sufferers can experience a range of symptoms that affect all aspects of their life - even their dental health. According to...

Redheads Need More Dental Anesthesia Than Other Hair Colors - Myth or Fact?
There are plenty of myths connected to having red hair: there will eventually be no more redheads left, redheads have fiery tempers, they...

8 Tips To Help Your Child Become A Fearless Dental Patient
1. Never use the dental visit as a threat. 2. Refrain from using words such as "hurt", "pain", or "brave", in connection with the...

5 Dental Facts for Expecting Mothers
As an expecting mother, you may have many questions and may be concerned with your general and dental health. You may also already be...

6 Reasons Why You Don't See Your Dentist
1. I Don't Have Dental Insurance The expense of dental care is relative. Remember a smile is forever. It is cheaper to keep your smile...

Your Child's Teeth: Nobody Ever Told Me That!
Here are 20 facts about your child's teeth and dental care that nobody ever told you about! 1. During pregnancy women need frequent,...