Your Child's Teeth: Nobody Ever Told Me That!
Here are 20 facts about your child's teeth and dental care that nobody ever told you about! 1. During pregnancy women need frequent,...

10 Things To Do Right Now To Keep Your Smile Healthy And Make You Look 10 Years Younger
A recent article by Lindsay Powers of The Hollywood Reporter talks of reasons why celebrities such as Steve Buscemi, Kirsten Dunst,...

Dr. Oz is Giving Bad Dental Advice
On his popular TV show, Dr. Oz revealed his secret for home remedy for keeping your teeth pearly white. The secret? Baking soda and lemon...

Flossing Can Add 6 Years to Your Life
You have a been a faithful dental patient. You get your teeth examined by your Tacoma dentist, Dr. Duke Bui, and teeth cleaned by Laura,...

Is There Something Cancer-Causing in Your Dental Kit?
The very first thing you do right after getting out of bed is going to the sink to freshen up, isn’t it? And right after you brush your...

5 Food Items That Can Affect Your Smile
They say it takes fewer muscles to smile than it takes to frown. But a lot of people stop themselves from smiling their happiest smile....